Cross Section Object (found in the Create/Shapes menu) is the object equivalent
of the CrossSection Modifier. Basically you create a bunch of spline objects
that you want to use as cross sections. You then create a Cross Section Object
and then press the Add button. This brings up a multi dialog that allows you to
select the splines that you created that you want to surface. It takes these
splines and creates a new spline skin.
Add - brings up a dialog that allows you to bring in spline cross section
Remove - removes the current selected spline in the Skin list
Up - Moves the current selected cross section spline in the Skin List up one.
Down - Moves the current selected cross section spline in the Skin List down
Spline Options - determines how the spline is interpolated.
100 is the max number of splines you can have in the list.
Needs to be able to align to the first cross section automatically
Need a stand in object when there are no cross sections
You can bring in itself as a cross section really bad.
Help - will take you to the help page
Note this object has not been fully tested in a production enviroment so use at
your own risk. If you encounter any problems please contact me at