This pluggin is what I define as charityware and can be freely distributed. If
you find it useful make what you feel as an appropriate donation to your
favorite charity. You cannot charge or make any money from this routine by
reselling or bundling them with another package/cd/web page without my
To install this routine just copy the files into your 3ds Max plugin directory.
Wave 2D is sine wave material generator, it allows you to create linear waves
and radial waves.
Color 1 is the color at the top of the wave
Color 2 is the color at the bottom of the wave
Wave Type determines if the wave is linear or radial
Wave Length the length or how wide the wave is. This is a relative value and
has no real units attached to it. The smaller the value the more waves you get.
Phase is the pahse of the wave animate this to create animated waves.
Decay causes the wave to decrease in height as ot gets farther from center. 0.0
is no decay.
U Expression Amount CheckBox/Field this allows you to uses a function graph in
the TrackView to control the u direction wave shape instead of just a Sine
Wave. With this you create custom ramps and saw tooth curves. The graph that is
used the one attached to the field. The sample Wave2d.max for an example that
uses the WaveForm controller. The range of values that are used in the track
range from frame 0 to 100.
V Expression Amount CheckBox/Field this allows you to uses a function graph in
the TrackView to control the v direction wave shape instead of just a Sine
Wave. With this you create custom ramps,squared curves, and saw tooth curves.
The graph that is used the one attached to the field. The sample Wave2d.max for
an example that uses the WaveForm controller. The range of values that are used
in the track range from frame 0 to 100. This field is not used with a radial
I chopped up the Gradient Material code as a template so there is a lot left
over stuff that will show up in the track view that don't do anything.
Note this utility has not been fully tested in a production enviroment so use
at your own risk. If you encounter any problems please contact me at